Bitcoin Lightning Network France

Bitcoin Lightning Network en France

Advantages of lightning networks

Standard Bitcoin transactions are very secure after a certain number of confirmations but these confirmations sometimes take several hours or even days to be confirmed, especially when the Bitcoin network is saturated by a large number of people who want to make transactions. This is why additional solutions have been proposed to shorten the confirmation time. Among the best known and secure, the Bitcoin Lightning Networks type sidechains have been created.

Disadvantages of lightning networks

However, these lightning networks are not 100% secure: there is a risk that one of the members of the lightning network will reconnect and replay intermediate transactions that do not match the latest transactions between all members. So you need a system that monitors these transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain and can warn network members if they are connected of course. A lightning network also needs to create a bidirectional payment channel before it can pay off-line.

Contribution of the solution Reputaction

Thanks to the hardened crypto wallet from Reputation, it is possible to pay off-line without having to create a bidirectional channel before being connected and without the need for a monitoring system. Discover the token to access the features of this new wallet by clicking here.
bitcoin lightning network
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