Standard Bitcoin transactions are very secure after a certain number of confirmations but these confirmations sometimes take several hours or even days to be confirmed, especially when the Bitcoin network is saturated by a large number of people who want to make transactions. This is why additional solutions have been proposed to shorten the confirmation time. Among the best known and secure, the Bitcoin Lightning Networks type sidechains have been created.
Disadvantages of lightning networks
However, these lightning networks are not 100% secure: there is a risk that one of the members of the lightning network will reconnect and replay intermediate transactions that do not match the latest transactions between all members. So you need a system that monitors these transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain and can warn network members if they are connected of course. A lightning network also needs to create a bidirectional payment channel before it can pay off-line.
Address: Reputation, 2850 route nationale, 74120 Megève, France
Nice conference setup #Web3 hub in #Geneva @vntrcapital
Best wishes for 2024! @artistcert @hackaplace @defiforgood
Happy talking on the right at the DAO Day panel in Estonia! #estonia #daoday #decentralized
Best wishes for 2023! This year, Reputaction's goal is to help artists create trustworthy NFTs thanks to its ArtistCert service generating for their NFT qualified electronic signatures equivalent legally to handwritten signatures and clear license terms. Check it on
The first 100 ArtistCert yearly service members will get one of the 300 Mageva cross necklaces for their avatar on Decentraland metaverse. Check them out here:,10 and
Decentraland ArtistCert #trustworthy #NFT #SignedNFT #certification #DCL #Decentraland #metaverse #avatar #wearable #digitalcollectibles
Great interest in signed NFTs by the artists and galleries of the Art Zurich expo ! JFR in photo is even mixing Augmented Reality, 3D printing and NFT. New partnerships coming! #SignedNFT @artzurich #NFT #trust #art #artist #signature
@arabbank Geneva event, great NFT artists and nice #NFT Arab Bank collection… even better when the artists’ digital signatures will be added to these NFT as Signed NFT, legally equivalent to handwritten signatures ;-) #authentication #SignedNFT #signature #license #legal #validity
@Sygnum is the first #Swiss #bank in @Decentraland decentralized #metaverse ArtistCert founder is also the director of the blockchain course at the University of Geneva where Sygnum new senior tech VP has been taught decentralized technologies ;-) #DCL #fintech #Decentraland @artistcert @reputaction
Final news coverage of the 1st Digital Art, NFT and metaverse EXPO in Megève sponsored by L’Atelier 55 where ArtistCert helped the artists to create their first Signed NFT with their embedded digital signature equivalent legally to their handwritten signature. An article in the French magazine Le Journal de Megève. The EXPO happened both in Megeve auditorium and on Decentraland with the church bell tower in 3D #SignedNFT #NFT #signature #EXPO #metaverse #Decentraland #DCL @lejournaldemegeve @megeve @souvenirs_de_megeve @reputaction @decentraland_foundation @latelier55_officiel
Today first @Decentraland party of our new @ArtistCert service for Signed NFT to win the #POAP #NFT of @megeve digital art EXPO #DCL #party
Dr. habil. Jean-Marc Seigneur President of Reputaction is speaking monetary reset in Davos during the World Economic Forum #wef2022 #DeFi #monetaryreset
PD Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, director of the CAS blockchain, has been interviewed on metaverse investment by the Swiss Le Temps national newspaper. NFT and metaverse modules will be taught as part of the next courses! #metaverse #NFT @unigeneve
5 days left to submit your #blockchain paper to the ACM SAC 2022 DAPP track co-chaired by Suzana Maranhao and PD Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur #conference #cfp
Interviewed about solutions for sustainable cryptocurrencies in Swiss newspaper. Save your seat for the #DeFiForGood online conference on June 7th 2021
New co-authored book chapter on #KYC #AML #cryptocurrency
Monetary reset event Central Bank Digital Currencies #CBDC #stablecoins #cryptocurrencies
At the Dukascopy bank stablecoin event in Geneva with Hélie d’Hautefort CEO of Globcoin. Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur founder of Reputaction co-authored the first paper on tokenized basket of currencies published at an ITU conference in 2017, then in 2019 Libra launched with such tokenized basket of currencies @ituofficial @dukascopy_bank @globcoin @libra
Video : #megeve #blockchain
At Bitcoin Suisse 2020 crypto outlook in Geneva, Bitcoin Suisse soon establishing an office in Geneva ;-) @bitcoinsuisseag @le_metropole_geneve
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur has chaired a workshop on blockchain applied to healthcare supply chain at the innovation center of the Geneva university hospital #blockchain #application #health #medicine #hospital
Thanks to @pwc_switzerland #blockchain team for their interest and feedback on Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur presentation of Reputaction solution for KYC/AML-compliant offline #Bitcoin or #Libra transactions with patented hardened crypto wallets
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, president of Reputaction, talking at the blockchain education session event tonight organized by the Swiss crypto valley association. He leads the blockchain course at University of Geneva with Module 4 on Libra, Hedera Hashgraph, zero-knowledge proof and anonymous transactions, which is still open for registration @komodoplatformkmd @hashgraph @libra
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur (left), founder of Reputaction, at the launch of the first restaurant in Geneva equipped with Bitcoin Suisse crypto payment solution. It is at Le Thai fine gastronomy near Molard square #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #payment
Facebook Libra crypto wallet version for poor unbanked who cannot afford an expensive smartphone and mobile data subscription thanks too Reputaction hardened crypto wallet patent that works offline on an affordable device. Full information on #libra #facebook #blockchain #cryptocurrency #wallet
At the Geneva Fintech event, @jianputech CEO has underlined that Libra is shaking the world of fiat currencies. Reputaction is working on solutions to further allow Libra to reach its goals of helping the unbanked. Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur founder of Reputaction is leading the first University certificate of advanced studies on blockchain including Libra and has recently met Libra COO for further development. Follow us for more information on these exciting times #libra #fintech #unbanked #cryptocurrency #blockchain
CNN Money interview of Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Réputaction, about Facebook Libra @cnnmoneyswitzerland #blockchain #facebook #libra #geneva
Interviewed by CNN Money at Crypto Valley conference 2019 #cvc19 @cnnmoneyswitzerland #blockchain #cryptocurrency #libra #facebook
At Crypto Valley conference with coffee and chocolate in #Bitcoin ;-) #cvc19 #blockchain #cryptocurrency #libra
Facebook coin trust survey of more than 2100 Americans by Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur, CEO of Reputaction, is referenced in Swiss Le Temps newspaper #facebook #cryptocurrency #trust #bitcoin #survey #amazon #libra
More details about Facebook coin also known as Globalcoin or Libra based in Geneva ?
Facebook is going to release its crypto-currency, which is meant to be much more stable than other crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin. In order to achieve stability, it will use the technique of linking the crypto-token to a basket of currencies as Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur, CEO of Reputaction, presented in October 2017 at the International Telecommunication Union standard conference on digital currency with co-authors Hélie d'Hautefort et Giuseppe Ballocchi. The project was called Globcoin, not far from Global coin both in terms of name, content and location (they also had an office in Geneva ;-) The full paper can be downloaded here: #blockchain #cryptocurrency #stablecoin #facebook #bitcoin
Reputaction partners with KYCBench to certify the identities of products contributors and sellers after they have passed Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) tests! @benchkyc @kycbench #kyc #aml #cryptocurrency #blockchain #transparency #gdpr #rgpd #cryptomonnaie #cryptoactif #bitcoin #relational_value
Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur going to present blockchain development platforms at World Intellectual Property Office in Geneva. More than 10 000 patents on blockchain so far, currently mostly from China, not forgetting Reputaction patent-pending hardened crypto-wallet ;-) @WIPO #cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralized #applications
At the French Ministry of Finance for the Paris Blockchain Week with Finance Minister Bruno Lemaire. Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Reputaction, will have several meetings with major French blockchain stakeholders #blockchain #cryptocurrency #france #pbws #paris #week
Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur, Reputaction founder, chairing the decentralized applications track at the ACM Symposium of Applied Computing on April 9 2019 in Cyprus #ACM @theofficialacm #blockchain #dapp #cryptocurrency #decentralized #application #token #tokenization @straphaelresortcyprus
Nice view of Geneva from the meeting at the building of the regional companies federation called FER speaking about blockchain and local business development #fédérationdesentreprisesromandes #blockchain #cryptomonnaie #cryptocurrency #geneva @myswitzerland @geneveterroir @genevatourism
Join us in Cyprus on April 9th to learn about peer-reviewed decentralized applications (dApp) at the ACM Symposium of Applied Computing chaired by Reputaction founder Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur sponsored by @neoblockchain #decentralized #application #dapp #blockchain #peer #review
Reputaction founder Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur presenting the awards of the 10th Augmented Human international conference at Veuve Clicquot Champagne cellar in Reims France. He has started these augmented human conferences in 2010 whilst researching augmented human trust where blockchain strengthen further security. @augmented_human #augmentedreality #trust #security @veuveclicquot #blockchain
Meeting with ICON Korean interoperable blockchain in Geneva #blockchain #DLT #cryptocurrency #consensus #decentralized #trust
We’re organizing the first Blockchain Altitude event this Friday Feb 1st in Megève, presenting luxury real-estate tokenization and other security tokens solutions... and there is snow ;-) #cryptocurrency #blockchain #STO #ICO #security #token #realestate #ski #megeve @souvenirs_de_megeve
Great talking at Geneva Blockchain Annual Congress with more than 500 industry participants! #blochain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #ethereum #certificate #diploma @cas_blockchain @unigeneve @hedera.hashgraph @neo_blockchain
Invited at ODEM education blockchain investment luncheon at Hotel d’Angleterre in Geneva #cryptocurrency #blockchain #token #STO
At Swissnex innovation agency annual event on the special topic blockchain @swissnexNetwork @swissnexchina @swissnexboston @swissnexsf @swissnexindia @swissnexbrazil @neo_blockchain #ethereum
Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur going to talk at @mtpelerin final event panel on their security token offering #STO tokenizing shares of their company aiming at being the first bank on the #blockchain Their STO is already successful, only few open days left #tokenization #token #bank
Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur will talk today at the blockchain panel of the crypto health summit at University of Geneva Hospital #securitytokenoffering #STO #ICO #health #hospital
Participating to the World Trade Organization event on international trade with blockchain #supplychain #relationalvalue #transparency
Dr Jean-Marc Seigneur founder of Reputaction speaking at Blockchain Leadership Summit in Basel on Saturday @bl_summit #blockchajn #DLT #dapp
Following the talk on #DAG by Reputaction founder, Greg Scullard lead developer advocate of @hedera.hashgraph presented @hashgraph #decentralized #blockchain #dapp
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Reputaction, successfully passing his certification to direct research #HDR #privatdozent #decentralized #trust @augmented_human
At major #blockchain event at #Geneva United Nations World Investment Forum #sustainable #development #ethereum #DLT @unitednations #worldinvestmentforum
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Reputaction, interviewed in the Swiss business newspaper AGEFI for directing the new certificate of advanced studies in #blockchain and #DLT at University of Geneva @neo_blockchain @hashgraph @cas_blockchain #Ethereum
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Reputaction, proud to be the Director of the new blockchain certificate at University of Geneva with courses on #Ethereum #NEO #Hedera #Hashgraph @cas_blockchain @neo_blockchain @hashgraph
At DevChain event @fintechfusion presenting @cas_blockchain by Reputaction #CEO teaching #blockchain #DLT @neo_blockchain @hashgraph #Ethereum
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, President of Reputaction, is also now Director of the certificate of advanced studies (CAS) on #blockchain and #DLT at University of Geneva, speaking at the e-MBA alumni meeting panel on blockchain on Nov 27th #panel #MBA @cas_blockchain
Teaching DLT, #blockchain and #cryptocurrency to more than 70 Asian delegates of Ministry of Digital Economy of Thailand and ITU
Call for papers of the ACM SAC DAPP organized by Reputaction founder in the new issue of ICOCrowd Magazine #ICO #dApp #DLT #scientific #review #CFP #blockchain #cryptocurrency
Bangkok meetings from 3 to 6 September : Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, Founder if Réputaction, will teach #blockchain and #DLT for Asian delegates of the ITU and Ministry of Digital Economy in Thailand #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
Great news! We have received a positive intermediate review from the French #patent office about the Reputaction hardened crypto wallet for instant #Bitcoin transactions, even offline, with enforced KYC & AML. We continue the filing for the French market, the first market for our launch, and will extend worldwide with raised funding!
Signed first business customer on Reputaction marketplace #dapp with certified product information on the #blockchain for increased transparency : local French products “La Fruitière des Producteurs du Mont-Blanc” #token #tge #ico #cryptocurrency @savoiemontblanc
Get your decentralized application or #blockchain project published in the ACM digital library as part of the #DAPP call for papers chaired by Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, Réputaction CEO, deadline September 10th only #DLT @theofficialacm #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #innovation
With NEO #blockchain Da Hongfei founder in Geneva to discuss partnerships @neo_blockchain #Chinese #Ethereum #Geneva #Switzerland #dapp #token #tge #kyc #aml #bitcoin
At Fusion #blockchain office in Geneva for its #DevChain event, a UN use case #Ethereum #supplychain @unfccc #fairtrade #unitednations @unitednations @fintechfusion
Photo of the NEO dev workshop organized by Jm, Reputaction founder, with Peter Lin, NEO R&D Director at University of Geneva @neo_blockchain #Chinese #Ethereum #blockchain #DLT #dApp
Meet us at #FinDating 2018 on June 21st at Hotel Four Seasons Des Bergues #Geneva @genevatourism @fourseasons @geneveterroir #blockchain #fintech #aml #kyc #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #mondaymotivation
Organisation of the Geneva NEO development teaching session and business Meetup with core #NEO members at University of Geneva by Dr. Jm Seigneur Founder of Reputaction, which uses NEO #Chinese #Ethereum #blockchain @unigeneve @neo_blockchain @neo_update @neoblockchain
At the ITU standardisation event on distributed ledger technology #DLT #blockchain @unigeneve #mondaymotivation #security #privacy
With Pierre Maudet, Geneva State councilor, at the main #tourism event he has initiated for #Geneva I presented potential #blockchain #marketplace potentially using #cryptocurrency #reputaction #wehome #artificialintelligence #augmentedreality @maudet_pierre
Finalizing Reputaction MVP marketplace with our Philippines fair-trade products business partner, don’t miss May 12th the World #FairTradeDay #LiveFair #2018 #blockchain #supplychain #transparency #relational #value #economy #cryptocurrency
Coding the Reputaction decentralized app Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with #NEO #blockchain #dApp #matrix @neo_blockchain #smart #contract Chinese #ethereum
Interviewed by ONEfm radio on the use of Twitter bots for Swiss elections and their #reputation impact on the political parties @onefmofficiel #security #politics #consensus #attack #blockchain
Second visit to ICON office in Seoul. This time Dr. Jihoon Jeong, Reputaction Korean market lead, has discussed with several core members as Jinho Yoo in charge of development ecosystem on the photo #cryptocurrency #dapp #decentralized #ethereum #challenger @hiconcep @helloiconworld #icx #blockchain #southkorea
Jm our founder will co-chair the 10th Augmented Human International Conference at University of #Champagne #innovation #augmentedreality #augmentedhuman @augmented_human
Breaking news: in addition to complement #Bitcoin lightning networks for offline transactions, the Reputaction token has changed last night Easter egg chocolate into #gold #aprilfools ;-) #eastereggs #happyeaster
#Happy #Easter Reputaction #Team We don’t have yet among our partnerships a chocolate company but with the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) released soon, it is a matter of days ;-) #relationalvalue #blockchain #trustworthiness #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #neo
When I looked at my morning coffee, I knew something was going on for #ICON #ICX on @BithumbOfficial @helloiconworld #korean #ethereum #altcoin #cryptocurrency #bitcoin
We are happy to welcome Dr. Jihoon Jeong as Korean Market Lead. He gave a keynote at the 2018 Augmented Human conference where he met Jm. He brings a great business and investment experience after being director of the cyber university. @hiconcep #teamwork #tokensale #tge #cryptocurrency #hardware #wallet #mondaymotivation
As ICON is not ready yet for #smartcontracts should we go for @neo_blockchain or @ethereumproject ? Cloudy view from Gaillard Reputaction dev HQ ;-) #ethereum #NEO #ICON #dApp #decentralized #app #blockchain @helloiconworld
Good to talk about #ICO and #token #regulation at the panel of the #Blockchain & #Bitcoin conference in Geneva @blockchain_events @genevatourism @kempinskigeneva
Just before meeting the Geneva city hall for tourism with crypto-currencies ;-) #unusual #snow #geneva #tourism #bitcoin #ethereum #payment @genevatourism
Good work today with the Reputaction #TGE #communication and #marketing #team @yan_luong_ @marithe_crozet @geoff_gva @redmoscito #teamwork #partnerships #blockchain #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #ethereum #digitalmarketing
#Happy #birthday to Reputaction #software front-end lead, Jm and him are friends since childhood #developers #bestfriend #blockchain #altcoins #dapp #decentralized #app
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, #President of Reputaction, enjoyed presenting #today #digital #transformation #management at University of Neuchâtel. Students asked interesting questions on how #blockchain, #bitcoin or #ethereum drive change ;-) @unineuchatel
Lots of #crypto currencies investors at #blockchain & #bitcoin conference in #swizterland #geneva @kempinskigeneva Reputaction talk this afternoon #ico #initialcoinoffering #tokensale
Join us at the #blockchain & #bitcoin conference in Geneva tomorrow Feb. 21 Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur will moderate the panel on Swiss/EU ICO regulation #crytocurrency #regulation #ico #initialcoinoffering
@marithe_crozet Reputaction business customers lead in front of the main office of the Savoy local products, maybe the first region benefiting of Reputaction product relations and #reputation certified information via the patent-pending Reputaction hardened crypto wallet and on the #blockchain #trustworthiness #supplychain #certification #cryptocurrencies #mondaymotivation #augmentedreality #ethicalshopping #localshopping
Interesting #hashgraph meetup in Paris yesterday where attack-resistance to Sybil attack was discussed. Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Reputaction, is an expert of attack-resistant reputation metrics as planned in Reputaction token blockchain for its reputation features. Hashgraph is not attack-resistant to Sybil attack yet in public ledger. Permission-based layer is fine for hashgraph but public settings as for Bitcoin or Ethereum is far from being solved for @hashgraph #bitcoins #blockchain #ethereum #altcoin #security #sybil #attack
Thanks again to @seoulblockchain for the opportunity to present the Reputaction token for the patent-pending hardened crypto wallet platform to Korean crypto fans #bitcoin #anonymous #cryptocurrency #altcoin #ethereum #trading #initialcoinoffering #ico #tokensale
Thanks again to the Bitcoin Center Korea for the friendly vibes during the Reputaction token presentation! More on @bitcoincenterkr #bitcoin #anonymous #offline #altcoin #ethereum #mondaymotivation #cryptocurrency #ico #tokengenerationevent #tge
Good meeting at ICON (ICX) in Seoul this afternoon discussing how Reputaction can be implemented with ICON #blockchain #dapp #smartcontract #tokensale #initialcoinoffering #ico #tge
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur going on stage at the 9th International Augmented Human Conference that he started in 2010. Product augmented reality (AR) reputation information will also be available thanks to Reputaction AR companion app led by team member Dr. Kevin Fan #augmentedreality #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #ethereum #blockchain
That’s why « Jean-Marc » Reputaction founder is called Jm outside French-speaking countries ;-) On his way to Seoul to meet ICON (ICX) « Korean Ethereum » and present the Reputaction token and dApp to Korean crypto investors #icx #cryptocurrency #dapp #blockchain #ethereum #tokengenerationevent #tokensale #ico #initialcoinoffering #crowdsale #bitcoin
Valuable business models advices this afternoon by Pierre Mirlesse, Sales Vice President Hewlett-Pacard Enterprise #HPE #blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #identity #privacy #antimoneylaundering #kyc #innovation
At Fintech Fusion in Geneva for #KYC #AML #cybersecurity #TGE token generation event best practices @fintechfusion #cryptocurrency #tokensale #bitcoin #ethereum #altcoin #bitcoins #security #knowyourcustomer #antimoneylaundering
Best wishes for 2018, a year with big announcements and achievements, especially for Reputaction in the realm of crypto-currencies... stay tuned ;-) #bitcoin #anonymous #anonyme #ethereum #helloiconworld #cryptocurrency #cryptomonnaie #cryptocurrencies #privacy #TGE #ICO #initialcoinoffering #tokensale #crowdsale #tokengenerationevent #happynewyear #happynewyear2018 #motivation #newyear #resolution
Delighted to have the European Central Bank as a visitor of Reputaction Website coins reputation studies ! #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #altcoin #sentiment #cryptomonnaie #reputation #fridaymood #trust
USA Bitcoin Trust Study based on 1683 respondents. Only 8% trust Bitcoin, mostly young generations. #bitcoin #trust #reputation #onlinereputation #bitcoins #cryptocurrency #cryptomonnaie
Interesting project meeting at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees agency #UNHCR @Refugees with @yan_luong_ More information soon! #blockchain #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #altcoins #altcoin #bitcoin #InitialCoinOffering #cryptomonnaie #ICO
Successful first Geneva Meetup on #cryptocurrency and #initialcoinoffering ! #ico #ethereum #altcoins #iconfoundation #smarteconomy #vertcoin #globcoin #crypto #crypto20 #swissborg #fintech #motivation #bitcoin #bitcoins #cryptomoney #cryptomonnaie #cryptomonnaies